Sunday, January 30, 2011 ; ♥
Today was like raining non-stop! And i'm having flu now. Ate panadol just now. So it kind of stops my sneezing, somehow. Like how i did before dinner. But now, i got problem with my running nose. Sheeesh! ): ! And i'm missing someone o.o . But then again, does it matters? No idea. :l . And my phoneeee! Damn it! :@ .

Ohoh, thanks to my father for the tickets oh. Yesterday, went to watch 'SUPER SHOW 3' with one my junior's friend. Just knew her yesterday. Quite a last minute decision. Cause was finding people to go watch with me. Then my junior said her friend want to go, so yeh. Reached there abit late. Cause something happened to my phone, like again. So yeh. The show actually started at like 7.15pm i think. So we're like just in time. Aha! Ended at around 10.20pm. So the show lasted for about 3hours? o:!
When we were about to left the place. It was like pouring heavily. The worst thing and best part is, both of us had no umbrella. Loool. My friend called her father to come and pick us up. And yeh, to drive me back to hougang too. Alighted at hougang mall. Thanks uncle! Ahaha. Went MacDonald to buy my dinner. Was hungry, and i haven't had anything since lunch time. Then home sweet home :D !
P/S: 'SUPER SHOW 3' was awesomeee! n_n

Ohoh, thanks to my father for the tickets oh. Yesterday, went to watch 'SUPER SHOW 3' with one my junior's friend. Just knew her yesterday. Quite a last minute decision. Cause was finding people to go watch with me. Then my junior said her friend want to go, so yeh. Reached there abit late. Cause something happened to my phone, like again. So yeh. The show actually started at like 7.15pm i think. So we're like just in time. Aha! Ended at around 10.20pm. So the show lasted for about 3hours? o:!
When we were about to left the place. It was like pouring heavily. The worst thing and best part is, both of us had no umbrella. Loool. My friend called her father to come and pick us up. And yeh, to drive me back to hougang too. Alighted at hougang mall. Thanks uncle! Ahaha. Went MacDonald to buy my dinner. Was hungry, and i haven't had anything since lunch time. Then home sweet home :D !
P/S: 'SUPER SHOW 3' was awesomeee! n_n