Tuesday, November 16, 2010 ; ♥

Went to school as usual today. But today's tuesday, so we ended early. Ended school at 11am. Went home, changed. Went out at around 1.30pm to meet mei & darling. Going to sit the Singapore flyer today. :D
Reached there at around 2pm+. Bought tickets and off to fly :D! Took alot of the scenery. When we reached the top of the flyer, it was like 165m above ground. O:! So tall! But scenery very nice. :D
1 round is about 30minutes. After the ride, went down to the photoshop to see our previously taken photo. But damn ex uh! So didn't buy. Headed down to eat Popeye! :D! The onion ring very bigggggggggggggg. Loooool. :x! After eating went to this particular area called 'Geek Theater'. o.o!
Went around that area to walk awhile. Thats when it started raining. So ran and sat under the shelter at that geek theater. Really heavy rain. ):! Sat there quite long.
Sat awhile, then went to somewhere near the water fountain thing to play water, though it's raining. But the water thing from the ground was under shelter, so nevermind. Play will we were all wet and drenched. Ahahahah. So fun. :D! Left that place at around 5pm+. Due to the heavy rain, which lasted quite long. Oh wells. Home sweet home at about 6pm+/7pm.
Ohoh! Tomorrow is rest day! Hari Raya Haji. Like a yay! Ahahah. :D
Tataaaaaaaaaaaaa! :D