Today went to school as usual. And i'm having my BE retest today too. During OA lessons, those people who are retaking the test for BE, including me, went for revision by one BL. After which, went to photocopy notes for BE. Around 11pm went for our BE retest lur. Do finish the test can straight go off already. For our class, there's no BE lessons today too. Today's test was like even harder than the 1st paper. This time the multiple choice questions are quite alright though, but the structured questions are harder. I even forgot some points already. So leave blanks also. I don't think can pass neh, boo. :l After test, went to long john to find minglin they all. Alvin, Kelvin, Wilson and me went to eat. Others have already eaten finish their food. After lunch, Alvin, Kelvin, Wilson, William, XiaoHui, HuaYi, ShengJie, MingLin & me went over to Catherine's house. Played murderer first. Then we did our AgF homework first. XiaoHui did her BE project first. I do till question 7 then went in the room to pei XiaoHui. Cause the others want to play mahjong already. Continue doing my AgF homework. Got help from minglin, william & wilson. Finished the homework today, yay. Then went to had our dinner cooked by Catherine's mother. Nice oh. After dinner, went to the room, listen songs, chit chat awhile. Then they went out to play their mahjong again. Kelvin went off first. Left XiaoHui, HuaYi & me in the room. Then we hearing songs, and chatting too. Then catherine's brother somehow bully XiaoHui, Then they go lock the door. Awhile later, Wilson want to take his things. He keep knock the door, but XiaoHui keep ask whether the little brother's outside. Xiaohui funny lur, haas. We all went off around 7.30pm. Reached home at around 9pm? I think. Okiee, offing compy lur, tata [: