Thursday, May 29, 2008 ; ♥

Td wake up at 8.30am.went to sch at 9.40, coz gort oral at 10.15.ENG oral..LOL.We were split into diff class ....i was in 2e5 classrm. Tested by Mrs Sing.The pic convo was quite hard. Like nth much to say. Then, the convo was oso like nth much to say as i nvr took part in competition like games b4?-.- But the reading part was quite ok lo. Its like about a football or wad game . Then alot ppl cheering..LOL.Aftr oral, i went home, hais, v sian.-.- Then after i alight from the bus, Jiayan called me. We chat lo.(: Hais, then erzi say wad im his enemy=.=" Coz he say wad i hlp my kor instead of him?-.- Which i oni hlp in the middle LOL. Coz they chao jia lo. haiszz.Like nearly evrytime laidat-.- LOL luan leh, n hlp him oso cnt, hlp anothr oso cnt.. zz lame la.Hais like nvr ending lo, duno y?0.o Now, im listening to song n sing? bored -.- was oso on fone wib Jiayan. V sina, latr mus do my maths assignment, tml gort maths in the morning, ya...
Then, 5pm gort maths tution..hais sian. Tml cca n maths in the morning crash sia, ZZZ. Hope can change time or smth? ZZ. phew, jus completed trigonometry revision2. Cher tml wan go through. I now v hungry==' Stomach noisy><'LOLxD Suddenly feel like drawin agn><" wahahas LOL.xD draing is fun n gd LOL!:X I like to draw ma wakakakaxD
Lalalala~ :D LOL! Im now singing korean song?O.O LOL. N japanese oso xD
Gort ppl ask me how i sing korean n japanese song..LOL Hahas use mouth sing lo =X
OHOH, i still nd hlp ppl draw ..LOL><"The pic ontop, the boiboi n girlgirl..LOL xD
hmm, i end hr first?:D lalalala~ Tatas=X